Friday, March 6, 2020

Back to Basics Review Present Simple and Modals

Back to Basics Review Present Simple and Modals I dont know if youve heard, but a has started, and its amazing.  So, in the spirit of great David Attenborough documentaries, our listening exercise today is a clip from another one of his  incredible  shows-Africa.  Before we watch the clip and complete the exercises, lets review some basic grammar concepts: present simple and modal verbs.  Sometimes, when youre  learning a language and improving a lot (thanks to our talented LOI instructors!), its important  to make sure you  have a solid base.  Even advanced students need reminders about these conjugations at times.  As always, we love to hear from you, so write your answers in the comments section below!Present SimpleForm: (I/You/We/They) + (verb)     (He/She/It) + (verb)srepeated actions (hobbies, habits, daily events)  facts, generalizations  events in near futurenow (non-continuous verbs: be, have, need, want, like, hate, and more.)Practice:He (is not needing/does not need) help right now.My flight (leave/leaves) tomorr ow at 11:00.New York (are/is) a big city.I (wake/wakes) up at 7:00 each day.I (is/am) at your apartment now.Click here for more present tense conjugation practice.Modal Verbs:Form: (Subject) + (modal) + (base verb)Uses:Practice:You (could to be/could be) right.He (couldnt find/couldnt found) his car keys.Could (you gives/you give) me a ride to school?She  (cans watch/can watch) the game tonight.They (must to go/must go) to the repair shop.He (doesnt must go/must not go).The Drongo __  the Kalaharis greatest _________, and these ___ his victims.After warming  up in the morning sun, the meerkats _____  their search for breakfast.The Drongo ___ now _____ his tricks, but he _____ first ___ the confidence  of his victims.He _____ an eagle on the hunt and ______ a warning, one that _____ the meerkats gratefully scurrying to safety.Now, he ___ their trust.He ______ another warning, but this time, ___ a false alarm.The meerkats fell  for it.  The idiom, to fall for means to believe somethi ng without reservation.  Do you often fall for someones tricks?How is  the Drongo a trickster?This all _____ too easy.  He _____ the same trick again.The meerkats arent stupid.  Theyll only ____ for it once.No meerkat ___ _______ that.  Sentries never ___.  But, the sentry ____ no danger.Of course, ___ the Drongo.Now, he ___ _____ his prize.timelines source

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