Thursday, March 5, 2020

Best iPhone Photo Editing Apps

Best iPhone Photo Editing Apps Grand Central by Taylor Irwin via Mirrorgram We all know that in the realm of photo editing apps, Sir Instagram is ruler of them all.   Between the various filter choices, easy-to-find-friends feature, and instant-sharing option, it’s hard to deny the lure of the ‘gram. While it may be the cream of the crop social media-wise, there are hundreds of other apps out there that can take your boring-ass picture of a street sign and turn it into a Picasso-esque portrait. If you don’t have a nice camera or lack the software to successfully edit your photos on your computer, try out some of these apps to take them to the next level. Tiny Planet Cost: $0.99 One of the most unique apps out there, Tiny Planet gives users the ability to create their own cosmic wonderland. It takes your photograph and turns it into a circle to resemble, well a tiny planet. It boasts two “planet-like” options; the first is tiny planet, which turns the bottom area of your photo into a sphere shape, and the other is rabbit hole, which turns the outer edges of the photo into an inverted circle shape. The result is a 360-view of your favorite landscape, panoramic or portrait shots. Mirrorgram Cost: Free Their tagline “symmetry is beautiful,” says it all. Whether you want to create a parallel universe or make your friends do a double take, Mirrorgram allows you to rotate an image around the vertical, horizontal or diagonal axis to create a photo that is twice as nice as the original. A collaboration between a member of electronic music group, The Glitch Mob, and a developing team, the app was created to allow users to add trippy visuals to their everyday experiences. A kaleidoscope take on life? Count me in. Snappr Cost: $1.99 For those who aren’t aware, a fish eye lens is an ultra wide-angle lens that creates a distorted panoramic view in a hemispherical view; translation: how Nemo would see the world staring through his fish bowl. Camera attachments are available for iPhones, but if you don’t feel like shelling out the cash monies for a lens, then Snappr should suffice for all your fish eye needs. Blender Cost: $2.99 Following a fairly simple concept, Blender allows you to take two photos and mesh them together to make one image. You pick one picture as the foreground, and the other for the background, and from there you can mask certain elements to hide from the blend all together. Creating what it would take hours to do in Photoshop, Blender is perfect for bringing new life to your photos with new additional images. MarbleCam Cost: Free Similar to Snappr, MarbleCam is an app to replace what an actual lens attachment would be capable of. Their Apple Store description claims, “MarbleCam takes pictures that look as if you had focused on a glass marble with a macro lens,” which produces unique detailing in a marble shape in front of a blurred background. It’s especially useful if you want to highlight a focal point in a shot. If you’re into abstract photography, definitely check this one out for your dreamy photo endevours. All of these apps allow you to save the edited photo in your camera roll to then upload to whichever outlet you feel fitting. So go ahead, impress your insta-posse with these unique creations.

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